
3 Chinese Christian Mom Bloggers Who Are Also Teaching Their Kids Chinese

When I found other Christian mom bloggers who are also teaching their kids Chinese, I felt less alone in my own journey. I’m so encouraged by their posts. Their journey, experience and resources helped me feel less alone in this oftentimes lonely and challenging goal of raising bilingual kids.

The three following blogs I’m going to share about have helped me in my own personal journey. I’m sharing them with you in hopes that you too will feel less alone and more equipped.

Chinese Christian mom bloggers bilingual language learning

Chalk Academy

I LOOOOOOOOVE Betty’s blog! I came across it just as I was starting to get discouraged with teaching Sadie Chinese.

In comes Betty’s blog to the rescue!

Why I Love Her Blog

Not only does Betty share tons of helpful resources (from where to purchase Chinese children’s books to how to find a language partner), she also share her unique and inspiring journey of trying to teach her children a second language that she doesn’t feel super confident in. She is relearning Chinese along with her daughter. Her blog helped me appreciate the Chinese I do know and also helped me remember how simple teaching your child a second language can be.

I also appreciate her approach to teaching her children Chinese. She respects where they are and takes their lead. She isn’t overly pushy about language learning but teaches her children right where they’re at. I love the little reminders she inserts into her posts like letting your kids take a break if they get frustrated.

Last but not least, it’s a super easy to navigate site. She’s worked hard to make it easy for her readers to find what they need. I so appreciate the lengths she’s gone to make it so user friendly!

Be sure to check out her instagram and facebook too! She’s really good about putting out new contents and tips.


Stickie Mail

This one doesn’t necessarily fall into the blog category, (it’s more of an online store) but this Singaporean mom of two shares helpful free Chinese printables (Simplified Chinese worksheets) on her site that sells lots of super cute learning materials in Singapore. Her site is super well made, not to mention, adorable.

She mainly posts on her Instagram. On it she shares the latest fun and colorful art projects and Chinese lessons. She also shares about what God’s been putting on her heart and good books she’s reading. One post I loved in particular is how she encouraged her son to find their identity in Christ before an assignment. I believe that is so important. We can easily get caught up in what our kids are accomplishing but forget the importance of helping them get rooted in who they are in Christ.

Parenting Joy

Angela has been blogging about her parenting and Chinese teaching journey before it was on trend. This Singaporean mom of three boys already has two teenagers in the house.

I first came across her blog through a post of hers that Betty had shared.

I appreciate her perspective and I’m also learning from her experience which she records on her blog. From how she started homeschooling her oldest to tips on teaching her kids Chinese in Singapore (where the dominant language is English). There’s a plethora of wisdom a young mom like myself can glean from Angela. She also shares a wealth of FREE quality Chinese printables and lots of great tips about bilingual education.

It is always so nice to hear from a mom that has gone ahead and came out alive from the little years in one piece. It gives me hope and something to look forward to hahha.

What I’m most excited about is the new section she started on her blog called Times and Seasons where she shares her reflections and her life as a Christian.

What are some blogs that encourages you and brings you life? Please share with me below!

More Goodies

For some more good reads, check out the following posts:


Tired of trying to teach your kids Mandarin Chinese on your own?

Imagine your child becoming self-motivated, happy Mandarin Chinese learners.

Imagine feeling confident, knowing what you are doing truly works!

Imagine having a community of like-minded parents, an experienced and supportive coach to help you and your kids thrive in learning Chinese.

Learn more about Sunshine Bilingual Village, my membership to help parents in monolingual contexts raise happy, self-motivated Chinese learners!

Other great FaceBook groups for parents raising bilingual kids:

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Hi, I’m Sunny, bilingual mama, teaching my kids Mandarin Chinese in a monolingual context. Thanks for stopping by! I use my teaching background and experience teaching my kids to simplify your family’s Chinese learning journey so it’s sustainable and one that the whole family enjoys. I’m so glad you’re here!

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