Chinese Valentine's Day Cards for Kids

Free Printable Chinese Valentines for Kids 情人節卡片

Valentine’s Day is coming up, what better way to practice Chinese and spread the love than with some Chinese V-Day cards? So…..I got to work and created some free printable ones to simplify V-Day prep for you.

I loved celebrating Valentine’s Day in elementary school. From decorating my mail box, to putting the Valentines I readied for my classmates into their mailboxes, then reading the ones I got, it was one of my favorite events.

learn Chinese Mandarin kids children toddlers preschool DIY Valentine's day cards 情人節卡片DIY 兒童 基督徒 Christian crafts

Giving out and decorating these cards would be a wonderful opportunity for kids to not only practice writing Chinese, but also to show off their Chinese skills and share Chinese culture with their friends and classmates.

The cards are available in both traditional and simplified Chinese and English with eight different messages in the front:

  • 甜心/tiánxīn: sweet heart
  • 愛你/ài nǐ: love you
  • 小可愛/xiǎo kě’ài: QT pie
  • 喜歡你/xǐ huān nǐ: I like you
  • 抱抱/bào bào: hugs
  • 親親/qīn qīn: kiss kiss
  • 親愛的/qīn’ài de: darling
  • 寶貝/bǎobèi: baby/treasure
learn Chinese Mandarin kids children toddlers preschool DIY Valentine's day cards 情人節卡片DIY 兒童 基督徒 Christian crafts

The back of the V-Day cards read: “情人節快樂 (qíngrén jié kuàilè) & Happy Valentine’s Day.”

learn Chinese Mandarin kids children toddlers preschool DIY Valentine's day cards 情人節卡片DIY 兒童 基督徒 Christian crafts

Christian Chinese Valentine’s Day Cards

I also created Christian versions for you and your littles to share the love of Christ with their friends.

These are also available in both traditional and simplified with eight different messages in front:

  • 愛裡沒有懼怕/Ài lǐ méiyǒu jùpà: no fear in love
  • 天父的孩子/tiān fù de háizi: child of God (the Heavenly Father)
  • 耶穌愛你/yēsū ài nǐ: Jesus loves you
  • 上帝的寶貝/shàngdì de bǎobèi: God’s precious treasure
  • 信望愛/xìnwàng ài: faith, hope, love
  • 愛永不止息/ài yǒng bù zhǐxī: love never fails
  • 神與你同在/shén yǔ nǐ tóng zài: God is with you
  • 被愛的/bèi ài de: you are loved
learn Chinese Mandarin kids children toddlers preschool DIY Valentine's day cards 情人節卡片DIY 兒童 基督徒 Christian crafts

There are two different versions on the back side of these:

  • 我們彼此相愛是因為神先愛我們 -約翰一書4:19/Wǒmen bǐcǐ xiāng’ài shì yīnwèi shén xiān ài wǒmen -yuēhàn yī shū: “We love each other because He loved us first.” -1 John 4:19
  • 祂慈愛永遠長存/Tā cí’ài yǒngyuǎn cháng cún: “His love endures forever.” -1 Chronicles 16:34
learn Chinese Mandarin kids children toddlers preschool DIY Valentine's day cards 情人節卡片DIY 兒童 基督徒 Christian crafts

How to Access & Print Out Chinese Valentine’s Day Cards

To access the free printables, register below. You should get a confirmation email soon. After confirming your email, you’ll receive another email with the password to access the printables.

If you have already registered previously, simply go to my printables page and enter the password you received.

Printing Tips

These cards are meant to be printed double sided. After you print out the first page, feed the paper back into the printer (direction depends on which printer you’re using). You can also print them separately and then glue them together.

I printed these on pastel colored cardstock like these ones to make them look like the classic Sweethearts Valentine’s Day candy. Feel free to print them on other colors and let your kiddos go wild decorating them! I used some Elmer’s glitter glue pens, stickers and other decorations I found at the Dollar Store and Walmart.

learn Chinese Mandarin kids children toddlers preschool DIY Valentine's day cards 情人節卡片DIY 兒童 基督徒 Christian crafts

If you have any problems accessing them, please feel free to contact me.

Thank you for stopping by! If you and your little ones do use these cards, please tag me @spotofsunshineChinese on social media or share your pictures in the comments below, on Instagram or on my FaceBook page. We would LOVE to see your cards “in action!”

❤️情人節快樂 (Qíngrén jié kuàilè)!Happy Valentine’s Day!❤️

More Resources to Help You Have Fun Teaching Your Kids Chinese!

Don’t Do It Alone!

For more support and to commiserate with likeminded parents, please join us at Christian Parents Raising Bilingual Children in English & Chinese.

Other great FaceBook groups for parents raising bilingual kids:

Follow me on my FaceBook Page & my Instagram accounts where I share fun Chinese activities (@spotofsunshineChinese) we’re doing and encouragement for your heart rooted in Christ (@spotofsunshine).

6 Responses

  1. hi,

    i am a mandarin bilingual teacher and i would love to print your valentine’s day cards. but i am having a hard time figuring it out.
    i subscribed but i still don’t see it
    let me know =)
    thank you

  2. Hello,

    I am a Mandarin bilingual teacher and I would love to print your valentine’s day cards. I subscribed but I couldn’t figure out where to print this set.

    Would you please let me know? =) Thank you and I appreciate it.

    1. Hi Syliva, sorry about the trouble. I’ve emailed you the info for accessing my printables.

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Hi, I’m Sunny, bilingual mama, teaching my kids Mandarin Chinese in a monolingual context. Thanks for stopping by! I use my teaching background and experience teaching my kids to simplify your family’s Chinese learning journey so it’s sustainable and one that the whole family enjoys. I’m so glad you’re here!

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