Spot of Sunshine

Top Chinese Worship Bands to Add to Your Playlist: Mandarin & Cantonese

I love listening to Chinese worship music. It help me focus on God’s presence throughout the day and also give me vocabulary to share my faith with my daughter.

As a mom I have music playing most of the day in our house, in the car and when I workout. It’s so easy to get discouraged throughout the day and to look to myself instead of God. Filling our house with worship helps me lift my eyes up to the One who cares about me and receive from the One who loves to help me.

Chinese worship music praise cantonese mandarin christian church jesus 敬拜讚美 基督徒

Below are the some popular Chinese worship bands (Mandarin & Cantonese) to add to your playlist and fill your house with praise. A special thanks to the members in our FaceBook group Christian Parents Raising Bilingual Children in English & Chinese for helping me discover some of these bands. If you haven’t joined us yet, I hope you’ll join our supportive online community.

Mandarin Worship Bands

Joshua Worship Band 約書亞樂團

This contemporary Chinese Christian worship band has been around since 1998. They are a part of one of the largest church networks in Taiwan, Bread of Life.

Bread of Life has churches all around the world.  They’ve translated many popular English worship songs (Hillsong, Bethel Music, Gateway, IHOPKC etc) into Chinese, making it accessible for Chinese speaking churches all around the world. Their melodies are pleasant to listen to and easy on the ears.

All of their songs are on their YouTube channel and their albums can be purchased or streamed on iTunes, Spotify and GooglePlay. I have fond memories of listening to and leading their songs as a worship leader when I first got saved.

I even had the wonderful opportunity of leading worship with them in Taiwan.

Living Water Church 台南活水基督教會

God is using this unique church located in the old capitol of Taiwan to bring salvation to many youths. They have a very talented and anointed worship team and host a youth conference every summer called Shine.

Each year at Shine, the church releases a new worship album comprised of translated worship songs in Mandarin and also Taiwanese. This is really unique in that no other church (at least that I’ve heard of) does this. Their albums are not available for download but they do have a few songs and even messages (in Mandarin and Taiwanese) from their church on their YouTube channel.

Stream of Praise 讚美之泉

Although this band is based in California, their songs are very popular all throughout Asia. Their style is very Asian pop. For those who are music obsessed like me, their soft melodies makes it easy to have it in the background all day err day.

Their songs are written by the band themselves and they are rich with the Word of God. They’re great for bringing in God’s word into one’s home which I feel is important as a mom. It’s so easy to give into negativity or self pity as a mom. Their songs help me focus on the truth of who I am in God and how He feels towards me.

Most of their songs are on their YouTube channel and can be purchased on iTunes. Hardcopies are available for purchase on their website and also through other Chinese Christian websites and bookstores. Their albums can also be streamed on Apple Music, Spotify and GooglePlay.

If you’re on the hunt for new Chinese Christian music, Taiwan’s Christian channel GoodTV is also a great resource. Various artists are invited to perform on the show so you can get a great sample of different voices and songs.

If you know of other resources or want to share your favorite Chinese Christian bands and artists, please post them below. Would love to hear what you’re listening to.

Cantonese Worship Bands

原始和聲 Raw Harmony

I met some of the members when I was there for a ministry trip years ago. I love their heart for the Lord and how they’re using their talents to draw people’s hearts to Him.

Worship Nations X 玻璃海樂團

This Chinese Christian band was introduced to me by Jenny, a mom in our Christian bilingual FaceBook group. Their songs are typical of Cantonese bands, soft soothing beautiful melodies.

SON Music 新音樂敬拜創作

Another wonderful Cantonese worship band that produces beautiful worship melodies.

More Goodies

For some more good reads, check out the following posts:

Don’t Do It Alone!

For more support and to commiserate with likeminded parents, please join us at Christian Parents Raising Bilingual Children in English & Chinese.

Other great FaceBook groups for parents raising bilingual kids:

Follow me on my FaceBook Page & Instagram where I share more encouraging words from the Lord and fun Chinese learning activities.

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