Spot of Sunshine

5 Simple Chinese Christian Songs for Kids & Free Printable Lyrics 五首簡單兒童聖歌和歌詞

Chinese Christian songs are a great way to teach little ones about Jesus and learn Chinese at the same time.

I have heard of several stories of how simple Christian songs and verses learned during childhood became sources of great encouragement when trials came in the later years.

Many of these simple children’s songs are packed with simple yet powerful truths of God’s nature. Learning these songs with your kids in Chinese is not only a wonderful way to pick up some Chinese Christian terminology but also a great way to root children’s hearts in the truths of Christ.

simple Chinese Christian songs and lyrics for kids

I have such fond memories of seeing the little kids at the Chinese church I used to attend sing “Jesus Loves Me” and “I Have Decided.”

Just a side note: the challenge with lyrics for Chinese Christian songs is that many churches create their own translations. Some songs like “Jesus Loves Me” have slight variations depending on the recording. I tried my best to find ones that stays true to the original English version.

Below are top five popular simple Christian songs for kids in Chinese and information for how to access the free printable lyrics!

5 Simple Chinese Christian Songs for Kids

耶穌愛我/Jesus Loves Me

耶穌喜愛世上小孩/Jesus Loves the Little Children

得人如魚/I Will Make You Fishers of Men

我已經決定/I Have Decided

神真美好/God is So Good

Accessing Free Printable Lyrics for Simple Chinese Christian Songs

To access the free printable lyrics, if you haven’t registered yet, you can below.

If you’ve already signed up previously, just click here to go to my free printables page.

What About You?

What are some of your favorite Christian songs you learned as a child?What are some other fun ways you teach your child about God? Please share with me below! I’d love to hear from you.

More Chinese Christian Resources

More Resources to Help You Have Fun Teaching Your Kids Chinese!

Tired of trying to teach your kids Mandarin Chinese on your own?

Imagine your child becoming self-motivated, happy Mandarin Chinese learners.

Imagine feeling confident, knowing what you are doing truly works!

Imagine having a community of like-minded parents, an experienced and supportive coach to help you and your kids thrive in learning Chinese.

Learn more about Sunshine Bilingual Village, my membership to help parents in monolingual contexts raise happy, self-motivated Chinese learners!

Other great FaceBook groups for parents raising bilingual kids:

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