Spot of Sunshine

Goals: Plan Your Best Year of Teaching Your Kids Chinese

Goals, I used to be so bad at setting them, scared that I wouldn’t attain them and as a result be utterly discouraged. This was until last year when I started to be more intentional about setting goals.

Trying to raise a child to be bilingual can be daunting and the cause of much stress and anxiety, but it doesn’t needs to be. By taking time to reflect upon the past year and set reasonable goals and then break these goals down into a doable plan, you’ll be surprised how much you’ll achieve this year! This is why I created this free printable to help you reflect and set goals to have a successful year of language learning with your child(ren).

new year goals

As I set goals which helped me be more intentional and recognize problematic areas, I started to reach these goals that used to seem unattainable in my mind.

Achieving these goals gave me courage to grow and to really consider what is it that God has put on my heart to accomplish with Him. I didn’t have to allow fear and anxiety to dominate my life, I can turn things that need to be done or things I only wistfully hoped to accomplish into bite size doable pieces, then tackle them one at a time.

Free Reflection and Goal Planning Printable

I created this free printable to help other parents like myself reflect upon the past year and set goals for the new year. To give thanks and to celebrate the successes and look at the areas of growth dead in the eye.

Rather than shrink back in fear, wallow in discouragement or try to stumble through the year, we can have a doable action plan!

Our human tendency is to focus on the negative and forget all the good that did take place. That’s why I created sections in my printable to not only write down areas of growth but to celebrate the successes that did take place in the past year.

On page two, there’s a section for you to write down your goals for the new year and then break them down into bite size doable chunks for each month.

I hope this printable helps you do reach your goals and be encouraged regarding language learning or any goals you may have. When you take time to write down dreams and visions for the year, you’ll be surprised how far you get!

I pray for many blessings for this new year of learning!

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” -Isaiah 43:18-19 (NIV)

「耶和華說:「不要想念過去,不要留戀往事。看啊,我要行一件新事,這事現在就要發生,難道你們沒有察覺嗎?我要在曠野闢道路,在沙漠開江河。」-以賽亞書 43:18-19 (CCBT)

To Access Printables

To access the printable, you need to first sign up for my newsletter (see below) if you haven’t yet then you’ll receive a confirmation email with the password to get you into my printables page.

More Chinese Learning Goodies

For some more fun Christmas related material, check out the following posts:

Don’t Do It Alone!

For more support and to commiserate with likeminded parents, please join us at Christian Parents Raising Bilingual Children in English & Chinese.

Other great FaceBook groups for parents raising bilingual kids:

Follow me on my FaceBook Page & my Instagram accounts where I share fun Chinese activities (@spotofsunshineChinese) we’re doing and encouragement for your heart rooted in Christ (@spotofsunshine).

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