The story of Christmas is rich with the love of Christ. Below are 8 quality videos available on YouTube (click here to access the entire playlist) to help kids get acquainted with this miraculous story. These can also help you as a parent know how to talk about Christmas with your kids.
I was able to even find one in Cantonese and one with both English and Chinese subtitles!

The Christmas Story
I really like this one because not only does it do a good job of clearly telling the Biblical story of Christ’s birth, the stop motion animation is also adorable.
The subtitle is in Simplified Chinese and the story is told from Jesus’ perspective.
The Origin of Christmas/圣诞节的来历
This quality cartoon clearly explains the story of Christmas with beautiful illustration. The only downside is that there are no subtitles.
The First Christmas: 第一個聖誕節 (English & Chinese Subtitles)
This is a great video for those who are looking for a video on Christmas with English and Simplified Chinese subtitles. As the narrator reads, the words she’s reading are highlighted to help you follow along.
The only but major downside to this is that this video doesn’t present Jesus as the Son of God but rather minimizes Him into just a reason why we give gifts and do our best to spread joy.
The story is told from the perspective of the star that appeared over Bethlehem.
The Origin of Christmas/聖誕節的由來
This cute animation goes through the story of Christ’s birth, death on the Cross and His resurrection. It also has a simple Gospel presentation at the end of the videos. Subtitle is in Traditional Chinese.
Children’s Bible:Baby Jesus in the Manger 兒童聖經故事:馬槽裡的嬰兒耶穌
This one plays more like a picture book rather than a cartoon. It has Simplified Chinese subtitles and goes through the story of Christ’s birth then explains the Gospel at the end.
God’s Story: Christmas in Mandarin Chinese/上帝的故事: 聖誕節
This funny and creative video was produced by Crossroads Kid’s Club, a ministry based in America. It goes through the story of Christ’s birth and has Simplified Chinese subtitles. The only downside is that the narrator speaks pretty fast.
Christmas Short Gospel Video: The Gift Jesus Gives/聖誕節福音短片:耶穌給你的禮物 (Cantonese)
This adorable video is produced by Chinese Bible International Limited and it’s in Cantonese!
In the video, the story of Christmas and The Gospel is explained through powerpoint like presentation with Bible verses. This is probably more suitable for older children.
The videos has Traditional Chinese subtitles.
More Christmas 🎄 Goodies
For some more fun Christmas related material, check out the following posts:
- Chinese Christmas Carols & Lyrics
- Chinese Advent Scripture Cards/聖誕降臨經文卡
- Printable: Chinese Christmas Vocab Ornaments/聖誕單字吊飾
- Chinese Christmas Music for Kids on YouTube! a great list from CHALK Academy
Don’t Do It Alone!
For more support and to commiserate with likeminded parents, please join us at Bilingual Parenting Village (Chinese & English)

or at: Christian Parents Raising Bilingual Children in English & Chinese

Other great FaceBook groups for parents raising bilingual kids:
Follow me on my FaceBook Page & my Instagram accounts where I share fun Chinese activities (@spotofsunshineChinese) we’re doing and encouragement for your heart rooted in Christ (@spotofsunshine).
2 Responses
Thank you for this wonderful post with the explanations of each video! It was also helpful to hear your thoughts about the 第一個聖誕節 video, and I see what you mean about how the video ended. I will recommend the first video with the stop motion video instead and look forward to watching these with my kids! 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Betty! Glad these helped 🙂