Spot of Sunshine

Free Chinese Weather Wheel Printable for Kids

Lately, jie jie’s been really taking an interest in the weather so I created a weather wheel to help us talk about the weather. This is also a great way to create a Chinese print rich environment.

Toddlers are so curious. When we follow their lead, use her curiosity to help them learn about the world around her we’re helping them cultivate a love for learning.

Chinese weather wheel toddlers preschool kids learning

Our Discussions Sparked by the Weather Wheel

Using what your child already notices and is interested in to engage them in learning Mandarin Chinese will help them enjoy the process.

Children definitely notices the sights and sounds of the weather. Just looking out the window, or hearing and observing the rain pouring down outside, kids will automatically start asking you about what’s happening.

Usually when my daughter wakes up in the morning and it’s raining, we’ll open the doors and draw the curtains to observe the weather. Then we’ll have little conversations like the one below:

Jie jie:「外面在下雨了/Wàimiàn zàixià yǔle

Me: 「今天天空是什麼顏色?太陽跑去哪裡了?雲是什麼顏色?/Jīntiān tiānkōng shì shénme yánsè? Tàiyáng pǎo qù nǎlǐle? Yún shì shénme yánsè?」

She’ll then look at what’s happening outside and then point to her weather wheel to share what she observes. Based off of that, we’ll talk about the weather a little bit. Usually she’s say something like:

「外面濕濕的/Wàimiàn shī shī de

「天黑了/Tiān hēile

「太陽去哪裡了/Tàiyáng qù nǎlǐle

How We Use The Weather Wheel

Since jiejie’s been really interested in the weather and making observations herself already, we simply started by me talking a little bit about what each section represents. Then in the mornings or when the weather changes during the day, I ask her what the weather is today? (今天的天氣如何?/ 怎麼樣?/ Jīntiān de tiānqì rúhé?/ Zěnme yàng?)

I hope this weather wheel sparks some fun conversations with your little one. Please tag us @spotofsunshineChinese if you do use it and also share your experience with us! We’d love to hear and see how it works out for you!

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