Easter is a wonderful holiday celebrating the hope of Christ’s death and resurrection. The week leading up to Easter, or Holy Week takes people through what Jesus did during his last week.
It’s a great week to set apart time as a family to celebrate and receive what Jesus’ suffering, death on the Cross and resurrection means to us as believers.
Growing up, we didn’t celebrate Easter in our home since I didn’t come from a Christian family. Now as a parent, I’m trying to learn how to share this important holiday with my daughter and to share the hope of Christ with her.

I created this printable to share what we will be doing and also in hopes of helping other parents in their Easter celebration.
I’ve also heard from several parents on how it’s a challenge to share their faith in Chinese with their children. Therefore I’ve been trying to think of ways to equip parents with Chinese Christian terms and easy activities to do together as family like this one.
This Easter Holy Week free printable will take you and your kiddos into the powerful and hope of Easter. In this activity are also Chinese Christian terms and prayers to help with future family devotions.

Included in the Easter activity pack, are daily verses, a simple activity or craft to do together each day and a short prayer. All of the instructions and verses are included in the free printable.
You have the option of reading from the Chinese Jesus Storybook Bible (my favorite Chinese Children’s Bible) or from the Bible itself. I typed out the verses from the Chinese New Living Translation Bible (新普及譯本/Xīn pǔjí yìběn) along with pinyin and zhuyin to make it easier for you to read Scriptures in Chinese with your family.
I love the Chinese New Living Translation because it makes Chinese Scripture more approachable and easier to understand.

There are four versions of the printable to choose from to fit your family’s needs: traditional Chinese, traditional Chinese with zhuyin, simplified Chinese & simplified Chinese with pinyin.
Join Me for Easter Week!
I hope you’ll be able to join us for Holy Week!

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Cheering you on!
What About You?
How do you celebrate Easter with your family? What are some of your favorite Easter memories? Please share with me below! I’d love to hear from you.
More Chinese Christian Resources
- 5 Simple Chinese Christian Songs for Kids & Free Printable Lyrics 五首簡單兒童聖歌和歌詞
- Top Chinese Children’s Worship Albums: Mandarin & Cantonese
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- Top 5 Resources to Help You Do Devotions as a Family in Chinese
- Getting out of the way for God to Perform Miracles in My Home
- Click here to see all my Christian related posts
More Resources to Help You Have Fun Teaching Your Kids Chinese!
- Plan Your Best Year of Teaching Your Kids Chinese 計畫成功的一年
- 7 Secrets to Chinese Retention: How I’m Still Fluent Despite Immigrating at 8
- How Chinese Became Our Daughter’s Dominate Language at Age 2
- 25+ Netflix Chinese Shows for Kids
- The Secret to Learning Chinese: How My Husband Did it in 2.5 Years
- 10+ Chinese Exercise Videos for Babies & Kids: Kids Yoga & Dance
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