Chinese New Year banner or 春聯 (春联/chūnlián) are an essential part of the New Year celebration.
When we lived in Taiwan, as soon as Chinese New Year drew near, stores would be taken over by them. Literally an entire aisle would be dedicated to selling Chinese New Year banners.
Below are the origin of the banners, the different popular auspicious blessings, their meanings and free banner printables for you and your kiddos to make your own!
This is a wonderful way to not only learn about the culture but also get some fun hands on purposeful writing practice in.

Origin of Chinese New Year Banner/春聯
The legend goes that every year the 年 (nián/year) monster would pillage the villages.
The villagers were unable to defend themselves and lived in fear until one year when an old beggar man taught the villagers how to ward off the monster with red banners, fire crackers and noise from chopping pork for dumpling filling.
Nowadays people put up banners with auspicious blessings, mostly surrounding topics of wealth, good fortune and health, to celebrate Chinese New Year.
30+ Chinese New Year Activities and Crafts for Kids

Popular Blessings Written on Chinese New Year Banner
There are two main types of banners hung up during Chinese New Year. One is a diamond shape with one character written on it, usually 福 (fú/fortune) or 春 (chūn/Spring). The other is longer banner with either four or more Chinese characters of auspicious blessings written on it.

The diamond shaped banners are oftentimes turned upside down to symbolize wishes of good fortune (福/fú) and Spring (春/chūn) arriving early. Since the Chinese character for inverted (倒/dào) is the same as pouring forth (倒/dào), these smaller banners are put up upside down to symbolize blessings pouring into the home or business. You can find these hung up on doors or on walls.
Here are some of the most popular Lunar New Year blessings or 吉祥話 (吉祥话/jí xiáng huà), their meanings and pronunciations. Sometimes these are also referred to as spring couplets. Most are included in the free printables I created (scroll down below for print info):
- 恭喜發財/恭喜发财/gōng xǐ fā cái: wishes for good fortune
- 吉祥如意/jí xiáng rú yì: good luck
- 五福臨門/五福临门/wǔ fú lín mén: five blessings come upon your door/home
- 萬事如意/万事如意/wàn shì rú yì: all things go as you wish
- 新年快樂/新年快乐/xīn nián kuài lè: happy New Year
- 年年有餘/年年有余/nián nián yǒu yú: every year you’ll be blessed with abundance (have leftover)

Due to the Chinese Zodiac, every Chinese New Year is represented by a different animal. As a result, there are special blessings centering around a specific animal each year. I’ve included two of these banners in my printables along with popular spring couplets.

Free Chinese New Year Banner Printables
To make life easier for you, I created Chinese New Year banner printables for you and your kids to have fun learning Chinese characters and celebrating the Lunar New Year. All you need to do is to print them out (I used red card stock), cut them and let the kids paint, color or glitter glue away!
My daughter and my student love to paint so I set out some washable black paint for them to color in the characters. It’s also common to write blessings in auspicious gold color so give that a try too! I’ve also seen nature loving families use mud to write!

I created two versions of the banners, both versions are available in traditional and simplified Chinese.
Some banners are with smaller characters (two banners on one page) and one that’s larger (two pages create one large banner). The larger one is closer to normal sized banners. There are also four long banners and four square banners included.
I’ve also included two toddler friendly square banners. You can use either dot markers or gold dot stickers to let them be a part of the fun! This is a great activity for developing fine motor skills and hand eye coordination.

Printable Tips
The smaller sized banners are more suitable for older kids. With younger kids, I suggest letting them color the larger banners’ characters with markers, colored pencils, glitter glue pen or black/gold paint.
When I first created these banners, my daughter was three at the time had a harder time painting the smaller ones. But my student who is six had no problem painting them.
Christian Chinese New Year Banner
I also created Christian versions of these banners. Many believers in Chinese speaking countries will purchase banners with verses or Biblical truths and place these blessings around their door frames, or on the walls and doors of their home.

The Christian versions (in traditional and simplified) include four smaller long banners, one larger long banner and one square banner with the word 恩 (Ēn/grace).
Here are the blessings that are written on the Christian Chinese New Year banners including the English definition and pronunciation:
- 主恩滿溢/主恩满溢/zhǔ ēn mǎn yì: grace of God overflow
- 神恩無限/神恩无限/shén ēn wú xiàn: no limit to the grace of God
- 十架之光/shí jià zhī guāng: light of the Cross
- 以馬內利/以马内利/ Yǐ mǎ nèi lì: Emmanuel
Hanging The Banners
My daughter insisted putting up these banners on our door herself since she is currently obsessed with tape (praying for Scotch to sponsor my blog, anyone with connections? :P).
Children love seeing their work displayed at home, it gives them a sense a pride not to mention helps create a Chinese rich environment at home for young language learners.
Both girls also had fun seeing pictures of how 春聯 (春联/chūnlián/banners) are put up around houses in Chinese speaking countries. Here’s an example below for you to show your kiddos to let them see how they’re participating in an ancient tradition.

Access Printable Banners
To access the free printable banners, register below. After confirming your email, you’ll receive a password to access the printables.
If you’ve already signed up, here’s a direct link to my printables page.
Thank you for stopping by! If you and your little ones do use my Chinese New Year banner, please tag me @spotofsunshineChinese on social media or share your pictures in the comments below, on Instagram or on my FaceBook page. We would LOVE to see your banners!
🧧 Happy Chinese New Year! 新年快樂/新年快乐/Xīnnián kuàilè 🧧
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*After a few minutes, you will receive the confirmation email, (check spam box if you don't see it), be sure to click the link to confirm to get the password and link to my printables page.
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*Be sure to give it a few minutes for the email to get into your inbox. If you don't see it, check your spam. After confirming by clicking the link in the email, you'll get another email with the password and link to my printables page.
Cheering you on!
More Chinese New Year Goodies
For some more fun Chinese New Year related learning activities, check out the following posts:
- 30+ Chinese New Year Activities & Crafts for Kids!
- Chinese New Year Songs and Lyrics
- Chinese New Year Videos for Kids
- Chinese New Year Activity for Kids: Coconut Rice Cake Recipe 椰汁年糕
- Chinese New Year Activities & Printables from Fortune Cookie Mom
- Chinese Culture for Kids Series: Chinese Lunar New Year Guide – Tradition, Taboos, and Celebration from Miss Panda
More Resources to Help You Have Fun Teaching Your Kids Chinese!
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36 Responses
Can you point me to the actual link for the printables? I signed up for the email and got the password, but I don’t see where to download the worksheets. Thanks!
Hi Jenny, thanks for stopping by. In the confirmation email, right above the password is the link for the printables. I’ve linked it here too. Hope you enjoy these!
I have verified my email but did not receive a link or password.
Sorry about the trouble, I’ll email you the password!
I am also having trouble finding the link for the printable banners. I received the confirmation email but I don’t see a password or a link?!
Thanks for your help.
sorry for not responding sooner Christy! Hope you were able to find the link. If not, here it is:
This is a great resource! Where to I register for the password?
I’m so sorry the link wasn’t working. It’s working now, just register under the section titled, “How to access printables.” Happy Chinese New Year!
here at this link:
I’m trying to figure out what the banner is saying. I understand that every year changes due to each zodiac. I’m just trying to understand what every character means or how it’s written what does it mean.
which specific one are you wanting the meaning to?
The one for the printable banner. I know fu but everything else I’m not to sure!
Help, I’ve registered 4 times this week, but received no confirmation email to access the printable file.
We really would like the printable file to make banners for our Chinese Family Reunion Party this week. Does your site really work in 2022?
Sorry about the issues you’ve been having. I just emailed you the password. Happy Chinese New Year!
Hi There! I just signed up as well and didn’t receive any password for printable? Thanks!
I got it now. Thanks!
Will you be updating the 春联儿 for 2023/year of the Rabbit?
Yes! Thanks for asking! Just updated my printable library with year of the rabbit banners 🙂 please send me photos when you use it. Would love to see them in action! Happy CNY!
I subscribed but I couldn’t find the link thanks
Hi Mary, I just emailed you the information. Thanks for stopping by. Happy LNY!
Sunny, can I have the translations for your RABBIT Chinese New Year Banners, on each page. Thank you.
I have registered with both my school email and personal email addresses. I haven’t not received any link with the password to get to the printable banners. Please help. We’re excited to do this in our classroom.
So sorry that I just saw your comment now. Hope you were able to access them. An email with the password to my printables soon follows the confirmation email once you’ve confirmed.
The email with the password never came.
so sorry about that! I just emailed it to you
Have subscribed 2 times still no email for password. Did check the spam and nothing, trying to get the printable banners kids write on template.
Tracey Ewing
thanks for letting me know. Sorry to hear about the trouble. I’ve gone ahead and send you the password and links!
Hi, I have confirmed my email but have not receive the password yet. Please advise. Thanks for creating these resources!
Hi Fai, sorry about the trouble. I’ve emailed you info on how to access my printables. Happy learning!
Hi, there is no password in my email. Could you please help
Hi Sarah, sorry about the trouble. I’ve emailed you the password and the printable pdfs 🙂