Listening to Chinese children’s worship is not only a fun way to create a language rich environment but also a great way to teach children about God and learn Scripture.
Music makes verses easier to memorize so it’s one of my favorite ways to help my daughter memorize Scripture. When Biblical truths are set to music, it’s children to pick up quickly and remember later on in life.
God also encourages us to lift our voices in praise because of how it reorients us to see from His perspective rather than become consumed by our own (Ephesians 5:19, Psalm 96:1–2, Psalm 47:6). A book in the Bible is dedicated to worship songs.

Playing worship music in our home also help create an atmosphere of praise, helping me lift my eyes to God and off of myself. It reminds me to rest in Him.
Below are some of the most popular Chinese children’s worship bands. I included both Mandarin and Cantonese bands. A special thanks to the members of Christian Parents Raising Bilingual Children in English & Chinese whose input helped in creating this list. Please join our online community if you haven’t yet!
Click here to access my Spotify Chinese Christian kids worship playlist or just click play below.
Stream of Praise/讚美之泉
Stream of Praise’s Chinese children’s worship album is by far the most well known and popular. I started playing their songs for my daughter when she was two and she would memorize many of them. They’re pleasant to listen to as a parent and also they have fun music videos kids enjoy.
I love how they have many songs that are basically Bible verses set to music. This is how I’m indirectly teaching my daughter to memorize Scripture in a way she enjoys.
Betty of CHALK Academy has graciously typed up lyrics to their popular song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star that’s free to download. Having the lyrics on hand helps so much in learning the songs and sing them with your little ones. This is a wonderful way for kids to learn Chinese through reading and writing.
Their albums are available on YouTube, Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, Chinese Christian bookstores and on their website as well. I also created a Spotify playlist of all of their albums. For those with Spotify, click here to access.
Clay Music/泥土音樂
Clay music is another Chinese worship ministry based in California. They’ve produced many worship albums geared towards adults but also have children’s Chinese worship albums as well.
Their songs are easy to learn, soothing to listen to and jam packed with powerful Biblical truths. I love how their music videos have kids singing and dancing as well, my daughter loves watching videos like these.
Their albums are available on YouTube, Chinese Christian bookstores and on their website as well.
彩虹愛家 (Cǎihóng ài jiā/ rainbow love home) is a Christian ministry based in Taiwan. They train volunteers to teach positive life values in elementary schools. Their songs teach children good values that are Biblically based. Their songs are fun and easy to sing. Their lyric videos have zhuyin.
Make sure you check out their other videos that are available on YouTube. They have many entertaining and educational videos for kids.
Their albums are available on YouTube, their website and at Chinese Christian bookstores.
Akids兒童敬拜專輯 一生跟隨你
Akids worship album for kids is produced by Asia for Jesus, a well known Christian ministry in Taiwan. Some of the songs on the album are translated from popular English worship from Bethel like 甦醒/wake and 因為祢真好/You are Good.
They also provide a quiet time plan on their website for you and your little ones. Their plan includes a song, a verse for families to read together and a free printable coloring page for kids to go deeper in the Scripture covered. On the same page are also some dance videos teaching kids dance movements to some of their songs.
They currently only have one album so far and it’s available on YouTube, their website and at Chinese Christian bookstores.
The Hymn Squad/聖歌特讚隊
This Chinese children’s worship band has updated hymns for kids to learn. If you love old hymns, this would be a worship band to look into and purchase. They’re based in Kaoshiung, Taiwan and I love how they make hymns fun for little ones. There are a few songs with rap and also a few in Taiwanese as well.
Their albums are available on YouTube, iTunes, Spotify & Amazon
HKACM Official/香港基督徒音樂事工協會
These songs are so sweet and the videos are engaging for little ones as well. My daughter always love watching Stream of Praise because it’s full of kids singing and dancing so this would be their equivalent.
Their albums are also available on iTunes, JOOX, Music One and Spotify.
Amazing Grace Worship/基恩敬拜
This is another great ministry that produced Cantonese worship albums for kids. Click here for more information on all their children’s worship albums.
Their albums are also available at Chinese Christian bookstores in Hong Kong and on their website
Born to Shine/曜昕教育
This is a song written by my friend in Hong Kong. She herself is a mom and works at a Christian school there. Although this is just one song, I believe they are working on producing more in the future.
This song is available on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon, Chinese Christian bookstores and on their website.
Another great Cantonese worship album for kids.
Available at some Chinese Christian bookstores.
Cantonese Children’s Worship
This YouTube channel seems to be created by a Cantonese children’s ministry to help its staff learn the songs. Unfortunately I don’t have more information on them but the channel does have a good amount of Cantonese children’s worship songs with Chinese subtitles to help you and your kids learn these catchy tunes.
More Chinese Christian Media for Kids
- Top Chinese Worship Bands to Add to Your Playlist: Mandarin & Cantonese
- Chinese SuperBook: Free Chinese Christian Show 超級妙妙書
- 5 Free Chinese Audio Bible Stories for Kids 兒童有聲聖經
- 5 Simple Chinese Christian Songs for Kids & Free Printable Lyrics 五首簡單兒童聖歌和歌詞
- Top 5 Resources to Help You Do Devotions as a Family in Chinese
Chinese Christian Printables
- Chinese Advent Scripture Cards/聖誕降臨經文卡
- Story of Saint Patrick: Free Printable Chinese Children’s Book
- Free Printable: Easter Holy Week Activity 復活節活動
Don’t Do It Alone!
For more support and to commiserate with likeminded parents, please join us at Christian Parents Raising Bilingual Children in English & Chinese.
Other great FaceBook groups for parents raising bilingual kids:
- Raising Bilingual Parents in Chinese & English
- Raising Bilingual/Multilingual Children
- Montessori-Inspired Kids Learning Chinese
Follow me on my FaceBook Page & Instagram where I share more encouraging words from the Lord and fun Chinese learning activities.
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