I love Christmas songs. I’m usually that annoying person that plays Christmas music starting in November (#sorrynotsorry ) .
Besides reading Chinese Christmas storybooks, making ornaments , watching Chinese Christmas movies and celebrating Advent in Chinese, we love to learn Christmas songs in Chinese.
Learning a language through songs makes the process not only fun for kids, but also super easy for you as a parent.
Music helps kids pick up tones and useful holiday phrases.
By simply playing music in the background at home or in the car, your kids will start picking up Chinese because you’re immersing them in it.
Better yet, spend time learning one together with the help of my printables that comes with pinyin or zhuyin.

When I started trying to find Chinese Christmas song I had the hardest time!
That’s why I set out to put together Chinese Christmas carols playlist via YouTube & Spotify along with printable lyrics for you and your kids to celebrate this wonderful holiday together in Chinese!
I also include information and links to Chinese Christmas albums below if you would prefer to listen the albums on different platforms or to purchase them yourself.
The printable lyrics are available in traditional, simplified with and without pinyin and zhuyin.
More Chinese Music for Kids Resources:
Chinese Christmas Songs Playlists
This is a YouTube playlist I compiled of Chinese Christmas songs. These are mainly classic ones and some renditions.
For Spotify users, here’s the playlist on spotify.

Recommended Chinese Christmas Songs Albums
If you prefer to purchase the actual album, or if you use other music streaming platforms, here are a few I recommend. They’re all included in both of the playlists I compiled:
Hymn Squad: Mega Christmas/聖歌特讚隊:特讚聖誕/Shèng gē tè zàn duì: Tè zàn shèngdàn

This album is put together by a Christian music ministry in Taiwan called OmniPro/歐讚音樂/Ōu zàn yīnyuè. They cover many classic Christmas carols in the album but with a more updated feel.
Some songs include some rap in Chinese. There are also three songs in Taiwanese/台語/Tái yǔ which is a language near and dear to my heart (both sets of my grandparents spoke Taiwanese. My great grandmother only spoke Taiwanese).
There are also four instrumental versions of their songs for your karaoke pleasure.
O Holy Night by Lamb Music/聖善夜:小羊詩歌/shèng shàn yè:xiǎo yáng shīgē

Lamb music is a Christian music ministry based in San Diego California that produces contemporary Chinese Christian music in Mandarin, Taiwanese and Cantonese.
Their Christmas album has 5 songs in Chinese including three classics O Holy Night and What Child is This and Hallelujah Chorus. One song is written by the band.
圣诞儿歌 from 乐宝宝与朋友童谣

Great album with lots of Christmas classics in Mandarin Chinese for kids.
Sinosplice Free Christmas Album

Gina, another parent raising her child bilingual shared this album with me in the comments below. It has classic Christmas songs in Chinese along with lyrics (simplified + pinyin) you can download from Sinosplice all for free!
Chinese Christmas Songs Printable Lyrics
I put together lyrics for three Christmas carols, Jingle Bells, Silent Night, and We Wish You a Merry Christmas.
I’ve linked the specific videos below since Chinese lyrics tend to vary by artist/album.
We Wish You A Merry Christmas has the most simple lyrics and Silent Night the most complex. I would start with We Wish You a Merry Chirstmas and Jingle Bells with younger kids and beginning learners.
My son (3YO) loves singing along these two songs in the car when I put them on!
We Wish You a Merry Christmas
Jingle Bells
Silent Night 平安夜
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Cheering you on!
Thank you for stopping by! I hope you have a very blessed Christmas with you and your family, filled with the love Christ came to bring into this world.
If you have other Chinese Christmas carol recommendations, please share with me below!
More Chinese Christmas Resources for Families
For some more fun Chinese Christmas related activities for kids, check out the following:
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7 Responses
Thanks so much for putting this together! I’m glad to have some new Chinese Christmas music. (Up until now, we’ve just listened to the MP3s here: http://www.sinosplice.com/life/archives/2006/12/24/christmas-songs-in-chinese — there are PDFs with lyrics, too.)
Listening to your Spotify playlist now. Thank you, thank you!
no problem! my pleasure! I’ll check out the MP3 you sent too! 聖誕節快樂 to you all as well 🙂
My church is looking to sing Christmas carols in Chinese. Have you printable in pinyin, please. I can’t even to open up the zip files and Indo not know if they are in pinyin. We can’t read mandarin.
Thank you very much.
My apologies. My email is