Exercise and learn Chinese at the same time? I’m always a fan of multitasking! Since we’ve been stuck indoors sooooo many days this winter, I went online and looked up some exercises we can do at home to get our blood pumping in Chinese!
Not only is this a great way to get healthy, but it’s also a great way to learn some terminology associated with exercise. But most importantly, it’s a great way to HAVE FUN learning Chinese.

These are great for kids who love to move around or have a little tooooo much energy to spare (like my three year old).
Many of the ones I posted below are playlists, so you can browse through them and choose which ones you and your kids enjoy.
Some exercises are made specifically for both parent and child to do together, but feel free to dance and jump around with your kiddos with any of them. Kids always have more fun doing things with someone, especially their parents.
I try to find activities that not only help my daughter learn Chinese but also strengthen our relationship. Remember, the whole point of learning a language is to build relationship with others. What better relationship to build, than the one with our kids?
Yoga for Kids from MOMO 就是愛瑜珈
These are our favorite exercise videos.
Each video is 20 minutes of story based yoga workouts for kids.
The movements center around a story or a theme and they’re really fun for kids.
The instructors speak fairly slowly and so it’s a great opportunity to learn some new Chinese vocabulary.
Age group: toddler to elementary
Just Love Exercise from MOMO 就是愛運動
These high quality exercise videos are around 10 minutes long.
They go through exercise movements more slowly so it’s easy to learn and also easy to pick up the Chinese words used to describe the workout.
Age group: toddler to elementary
Happy Valley from MOMO歡樂谷
This is another great series from MOMO. Although most videos from this series are mainly dance videos, there are a few that are more focused on exercising. The one below is my daughter’s favorite currently. She’s basically memorized the whole song hahah.
For the full series click on this link.
Age group: toddler to elementary
Child & Parent Yoga 親子瑜珈
This yoga exercise video series invites you to do yoga with your child. This instructor’s videos are about 5 minutes long. I like how engaging it is and also how she is teaching with her daughter. In some videos, she also includes movements that go along with popular Chinese nursery rhymes.
I like videos like these that include young native speakers for kids to hear how kids their age speak Chinese. Also, my daughter loves seeing little kids in videos as well so it’s engaging for her.
Age group: toddler to early elementary
Tiger Family Kids Exercise Videos
This is a fun playlist of indoor exercises for kids. Great indoor activity for a rainy day.
Animal Story Exercise 跟著動物們一起做運動
This wonderful 4 minute exercise video is led by an instructor from Cloud Gate Dance Theatre 雲門舞集 (yúnmén wǔ jí), a famous modern dance company in Taiwan (they also offer classes for kids so a great way for dance loving kiddos to get some language exposure through dance when traveling to Taiwan or China).
I love how kids are told a story about various animals and shown movements to go along with the story. This is my student and daughter’s favorite one so far!
This video also has young native speakers for little ones to be exposed to.
Age group: toddler to early elementary
Stream of Praise Music Videos
My daughter LOVES Stream of Praise 讚美之泉 (zànměi zhī quán), a Chinese Christian music ministry based in California. They produce high quality engaging music videos with dance movements that are more western. We listen to their songs almost every single day so my daughter’s familiar with their songs and loves to dance along with the kids in their videos.
Age group: toddler to junior high
Pink Fong Exercise Videos for Kids 碰碰狐體操
Of course I can’t leave out Pink Fong’s high quality exercise videos for kids. Their exercise videos includes their infamous (every toddler’s favorite) “Baby Shark” video.
Age group: toddlers to elementary
CiaoHu Dance Videos
Here’s a playlist of fun dance videos from the ever popular CiaoHu/巧虎. I haven’t come across a child who doesn’t like CiaoHu. Their dance videos tend to be shorter since in their series they teach kids not to watch too much tv.
Age group: toddler and up
Baby Yoga Exercise Video 嬰兒瑜珈
Below are three videos of mommy and me yoga. They’re all pretty similar and the instructors give some moves you can do with or for your baby.
Adult Exercise Video
If you’re looking for more adult oriented workout videos, here’s a good one I’ve done. Sometimes kids just enjoy trying to follow along with adult exercise videos with you.
This one has clear graphics to help you know where you’re at in the workout and how much longer you’ll be doing the specific exercise.
I hope you and your kiddos enjoy learning Chinese through these fun exercise videos. What are some fun ways you like to incorporate Chinese learning into your child’s day? Please share below!
More Resources to Help You Have Fun Teaching Your Kids Chinese!
- 25+ Netflix Chinese Shows for Kids
- Plan Your Best Year of Teaching Your Kids Chinese 計畫成功的一年
- Board Game: Fun Chinese Character Review
- 7 Secrets to Chinese Retention: How I’m Still Fluent Despite Immigrating at 8
- Free Chinese Hobby & Craft Videos for Kids
Follow me on my FaceBook Page & my Instagram accounts where I share fun Chinese activities (@spotofsunshineChinese) we’re doing and encouragement for your heart rooted in Christ (@spotofsunshine).
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11 Responses
Thank you so much for compiling this list, Sunny! I have been looking all over for Chinese exercise videos but had trouble finding ones that weren’t blurry and bootleg. Now I can’t use “too busy learning Chinese” for skipping exercise! 😛
Yeah! Glad it’s helpful for you and your kiddos.